United Methodist Men
We meet on the second Sunday of every month at 8 a.m. for breakfast in the fellowship hall. After breakfast, we start our meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, devotion, business meeting, and decide what mission we are giving to this month. For more information, contact the church office.
United Women in Faith (formally the UMW)
We meet on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. We meet at the table with a light supper, devotion and business meeting regarding the missions and discipleship of women. For more information, contact the church office.
Sunday School
Sunday School is Back. The 9:00am class is led by Bob Eastin, in the meeting room off of the fellowship hall.
My T Kids
My T Kids is our new youth program, please be on the lookout for upcoming events here on the website or on Facebook.
Purposeful Prayer Group
Tuesdays, from 9:30am until 10:30am, a time for devotion, prayer, and scripture time; using the current Upper Room study guide. All are welcome; meetings will be in-person & on Zoom.
Praise Team
The Praise Team meets to practice popular Christian songs we hear on our local Christian radio station. We meet weekly, on Sundays immediately after Worship Service for practice; and would like to invite others to join us. The Praise team leads at least one song weekly during our worship service. If you have questions or would like to join, please contact the church office.